Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 10th is National Sibling's Day

April 10th is a special day for anyone, young or old, who has a sibling. Beginning in 2000, President Bill Clinton signed a presidential message recognizing April 10th as National Siblings Day, followed by President George Bush in 2008. The establishment of this holiday is thanks to the founder and director of the Siblings Day Foundation, Claudia Evart. 

After losing both of her siblings in separate accidents, Evart has dedicated her life to making sure all siblings feel loved and appreciated. She chose April 10th to be that special day in remembrance of her late sister, Lisette, who's birthday is that day

Mother's Day and Father's Day holidays provided the inspiration that lead to the creation of National Siblings Day, a day to celebrate and cherish your brothers and sisters. There is a similar holiday celebrated in many parts of Asia, known as Children's day, which falls on May 5th. 

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All of these holidays are a testament to family. Our families are the anchors of our life. Siblings are the people who are there with us throughout the most significant points in our lives. They grow up by our sides, acting as both family and best friends all at once. This day is a time to remind them of how much you appreciate them, so give them a call or go visit them if you can. So have a great National Siblings Day and don't forget to reach out to all of yours!

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