Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Heroes of the Boston Marathon Explosion

When tragedies like the bombing at the Boston Marathon happen, many of us find that we immediately begin to question humanity and ask ourselves what is happening to the world. I found myself in this trap as well. Several of us at ONCEkids have family in Boston or even grew up there, so news of this tragedy really hit home. 

Not long after hearing the news, I was surfing the Internet letting myself sink into that inevitable pessimism, when I stumbled upon some articles and pictures people had shared on Facebook. 

Clicking on one share led to another and another until instead of being depressed and disappointed with humanity, I found myself becoming inspired. It was then that it hit me, instead of focusing on the few individuals who have lost their sense of compassion, we should instead focus on all the people who still display infinite amounts of kindness. The shares I was reading on Facebook were stories and pictures of all the people who stepped out of the shadows to demonstrate courage and bravery that is both admirable as well as inspiring. 

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One of the first things I read was how many of the people who finished the marathon continued running all the way to the hospital to donate blood or find some other way they could pitch in. On Twitter people tweeted stories about a responder who wheeled a woman to safety and then ran back into the danger to rescue more people. Countless pictures and videos were shared of people finding their loved ones after being separated by the explosion and others comforting injured or scared strangers. 

Even former New England Patriot Joe Andruzzi stepped up to help carry an injured woman to help. Restaurants all over Boston opened up their doors, giving free food to any locals or runners in need. One of the most moving posts I saw was the list of hundreds of entries on Google Doc of people living in the Boston area offering to pick up or house any people who may be stranded. 

 So tell us your stories! Share with us any knowledge you have or stories you've heard of heroes at the Boston Marathon explosion. We would love to hear anything from small acts of kindness to extreme displays of heroism, everyone is a hero to us!

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