Monday, July 2, 2018

Video Game Advantage for Kids: Video Games = Good? (Part 4 of 6)

By: Kate Camillo

Welcome back, I hope you are enjoying your summer and having fun with your children! We’ve talked about problem solving skills, organization, culture and history. It’s now time to discuss some more educational benefits of video games! Who knew video games provided such great benefits for our kids? Studies have been done and research has been collected and I’m here to present it to you week by week in small bite-sized portions and who doesn’t love a little bite-sized snack? So get ready to sink your teeth into this week’s blog on video games.

Let’s start out with some words that parents will inevitably find impressive. Video games are proven to aid in neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the growth of neurons. Video games stimulate that process. How impressive is that?! Video games also help kids recognize patterns. Along with seeing patterns, video games help with seeing in general. Video games can provide children with improvement in vision as the contrast sensitivity function of their eyes is being used. This allows them to be able to better detect contrast in images and surroundings. There’s even rumors about video games helping people with dyslexia develop learning strategies! The constantly changing environments that require intense focus can help those who suffer from dyslexia by providing them a place to practice the intense focus that is needed when dealing with the disorder. 

Having your child play video games increases their ability to think on their feet, make decisions, and enhance their multitasking skills. Throughout a game there will be multiple challenges a player  faces and there is absolutely no way to be successful without rapid thinking, action, and reaction; multi-tasking is built into the games leveling systems.  Video games reward risk-takers, but only the smart ones! Most games are programmed to be pro-risk. Learning to take educated risks that pay off? Sign me up! That’s exactly what kids should learn and why video games are important. Not only are your children learning and having to abide by the rules of the game, but they also have chances to take risks and have those risks pay off in real time. 

Last but not least, video games help kids make friends! They play online with each other; they can use a new game as a topic of conversation, and they can play against each other. Sometimes children have a hard time making friends because of a lack of similar interest or connection. Through video games, children interact with others playing games they are passionate about. Video games are worldwide; your child is potentially interacting with others from different countries and learning about those cultures. (Rewind to last week). While competing and working as teams, children are bonding and becoming friends. Children look forward to not only playing the game, but playing with their friends. It kills two birds with one stone. Video games provide friendship for kids, along with the dozens of other benefits! 

We are deep in this series and it just keeps getting better and better. Check back next week for more. Thanks for reading and keep on playing!

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