Monday, June 25, 2018

Video Game Advantage for Kids: Video Games = Good? (Part 3 of 6)

By: Kate Camillo

This week, we will be discussing how video games can spark children’s interest in history and culture! If you’re new, check out our previous blogs on other awesome benefits video games can bring to children- self-expression and problem-solving skills are on the rise! We’re halfway through this series and if you’re not on board yet, you are about to be! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the virtual ride!
Children divulge into other worlds and outer dimensions easily; they dive head first into other cultures and new places, learning about cultural traits and exploring places through their games. Most popular games bring kids into a new virtual world, leading to expanded perspectives and knowledge of the surrounding world. The content in these video games inspires kids to learn and research. And we certainly cannot forget that content counts! As a parent, there are many opportunities to encourage your kids to learn about all sorts of topics such as world history, geography, ancient cultures, and contemporary international relations. It's time to take advantage of these opportunities and spark your child's interest in history, culture, and all related subjects. Video games are part of our contemporary culture; we need to embrace and pull out the best elements and benefits of them. 
As we know children's brains are like sponges, absorbing everything. It’s time to embrace video games’ learning and growth opportunities. Whether it’s the history of the very streets they walk on or the culture of a country thousands of miles away, children are constantly learning about what interests them and their peers. This creates a bigger platform for you, the parent, to be more involved in your child’s interests. This is a way to connect to your children; help them learn more about the place where their favorite or loathed character lives – whether it’s ancient Greece or the farmlands of Scotland, video games animate what can tend to be a boring subject for many – history! (sorry Mr. Moore; my high school history teacher). Learning history through a video game is a great tool that we need to take advantage of, parents!

The Fujimini Island Adventure book series, website, social media and game app appreciates and strives to expose children to Asian culture. While playing our game and reading our books, your children will be learning and having fun at the same time! Which truly is what we want, right?

Thanks for tuning in and staying clicked in! Next week, same time sound good to you? Awesome, see you then!

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