Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What Dad Really Wants This Father's Day

This Father’s Day get your dad something he’ll really love. The cute cards and funny ties worked for a few years but now I think it’s time to consider changing things up. When we asked real fathers what they want for Father’s Day, they were not shy about sharing their true feelings. So use their advice to ensure your father has the gift that he really wants this year. 

ONCEKids Publishing is run by literacy advocate and Mompreneur Eileen Wacker.  Click here to find her acclaimed books

1. Instead of more family time, maybe a day with some family FREE time.

2. A quick breakfast in bed followed by an invitation to spend the day on the golf course solo or with friends (with no strings attached!).

3. A trip to the mall where the only shops gone into are the ones of his choice.

4. A day on the boat with a fishing pole and a 6-pack.

5. An uninterrupted couch session with the game or his favorite show.

6. A delicious dinner that he doesn’t have to do any work for (whether it is homemade or dinner out)

7. Surprise him by washing his car and/or doing some of the yard work he’s been putting off.

8. A gift card to his favorite “toy store” aka books, tools, fishing gear, electronics, and so on. This way he can have the freedom to pick out exactly what he wants or needs.

9. Is Dad a movie lover? How about a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Instant Movies where he can sit down, relax, and order that movie he’s been wanting to see but hasn’t had time for. 

10. A course or trip. Is there an activity that he’s always wanted to try? Sign him up for a fly fishing class or scuba diving course. Maybe he wants to go kayaking or even bungee jumping (don’t get too crazy!). Maybe you can sign yourself up and you can do it together.

11. Beer Gift Basket. There is nothing that says relaxing after a long day at work like an ice cold beer. Find out exactly what he likes and put together a gift basket made up of all his favorites.

ONCEKids Publishing is run by literacy advocate and Mompreneur Eileen Wacker.  Click here to find her acclaimed books

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