Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Middle School Football Team Demonstrates Humility and Kindness Adults Can Learn From

Mothers spend all of their time trying to teach their kids; teach them how to behave, how to treat others, how to achieve their goals- but then we hear stories that make us realize how often it can be the kids who teach us

The football team at Olivet Middle School in Olivet, Michigan shows how inspiring and courageous acts can come from the most unexpected places from the most unexpected people. 

For weeks, the Olivet Eagles plotted amongst one another, without the knowledge or involvement of any coaches or teachers, to make a play that would permanently change the way the game is played. 

The play thought up for one of the members of the team, Keith Orr, a special needs boy with a very big heart. 

Despite the dismay from the crowds, Sheridan Hedrick, one of the players for the Eagles, sacrificed a potential touchdown to take a knee on the 1-yard line. His reason for doing this? To allow Keith to know what it feels like to score a touchdown and be the team hero, a joy the boys on the team felt every person deserves to know. 

Once Hedrick took a knee the play affectionately referred to as the "Keith Special" began. The ball was hiked and handed to Keith, who ran the touch down without a scratch thanks to the protection of his fellow teammates. 

What the boys did not know during their plan, was that the play they made was so much more than a touch down for a middle school football team. It was a moment that changed the outlook and perspective of one boy but also of a team and everyone who hears their inspiring story. It is proof that there are children out there that posses a level of humility and heart that many adults struggle to achieve. And perhaps, instead of us adults always having to be the teachers, that there are lessons for us to learn from them as well. 

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Click Below to Watch the Inspirational Video About the Olivet Middle School Football Team:

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