Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cyber Prevention: Are You Checking Your Child's Phone?

Parents, how many moms and dads actually check the content that is on their children’s phones?  We fear, not so many :(  While, yes, there are plenty of us who confiscate our tween’s phones after realizing that they’ve had a little too much screen time, very few of us actually open them up and check our kids’ messages, apps and social media accounts to see what their kids are actually doing.

We need to be more vigilant when it comes to their children’s phone use. Here are some tips to check on your kids’ phones every day.

Text Messages

This one is critically important. There can be a lot of damage or digital drama that can be done through text messages. First and foremost, parents should tell their children that if they have something to say but wouldn’t dare say it out loud, then by all means don’t say it through a text. Also, there’s a very good chance that kids who are bullied are very unlikely to tell their parents about it. Before you scroll through your child’s text messages, be clear and upfront about it with your child first. Let them know that you are doing it for their safety and in some cases, you might be doing it for their mental health as well.

Social Media Apps

When it comes to ‘spying’ on their children and their phones, there are some parents who think that they have every right to do so because they pay for it. Others think that they are being intrusive by invading their child’s privacy. Quite honestly, both sides are correct. However, it is important to check and see what your child is doing, especially on social media. Just make sure that you are being honest and upfront with your child before you do so. The last thing you want as a parent is for your child not to have a reason to trust you. Of course, the same can be said about them.

Gaming Apps

Sure, there are a lot of parents who know that their kids are playing different gaming apps every day. But do you know what gaming apps your kids have? Also, do you know if their accounts are private or if they have access to in-app messaging services? Those are just a few things to look out for.

Yes, gaming apps aren’t exactly what you would call social media, but they do sometimes have similar functions. Little do parents know that strangers can reach out to unsuspecting kids on games like Minecraft and Roblox the same way they can reach out to them on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Their Photos

Another thing that many parents don’t do is check their children’s photos on their phones. Many parents often find themselves pretty surprised by the content that they find there. That’s not to say that kids are only taking inappropriate photos. But instead they often waste their storage space by taking photos of everything and anything. Also, discuss with your children the meaning of consent. They should always ask before taking someone’s photo or posting it online. The same applies to them. Make sure others have your child’s consent before posting their photo online, too. There are actually a lot of parents out there that don’t want their children’s photos online or on social media at all.

Internet Browser

While a lot of emphasis is usually put on social media and gaming apps, parents should also check out what their kids are looking at on their browsers. More often than not kids will have multiple browsers or tabs open in their phones. Moms and dads should have an open and honest discussion with their kids about the web sites that they frequent, the content that they either look at or read and overall online safety. While parents do everything they can to guard their kids in the real world, the online world poses many different risks at just one click of a button.

Check for In-App-Purchases

Last but definitely not least, also check your child’s phone for in-app purchases, especially if they have their own account. The last thing that you want is a surprise bill on your credit card, especially if it comes in the form of a gaming app or another app that unlocks hundreds of different selfie filters. Yes, a lot of parents can agree that these are a huge waste of money yet kids don’t see it the same way. If you can’t trust that your child will make the right decisions online, then simply deactivate their account or better yet, don’t give them your credit card details.

Source: https://www.moms.com/child-phone-check-safety-tips/

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Would YOU Do it: Pros & Cons Of Letting Your Kid Play Hooky From School

Anyone who has ever gone to school in any capacity has likely played hooky at least once. And while your self-determined day off might not have been as exciting as Ferris Bueller’s in the iconic ‘80s flick, chances are it was for good reason.

Ideally, kids who decide to skip school are doing so with their parents’ permission, and for a good reason, like to see the premiere of a hotly-anticipated movie (the latest Star Wars or MCU film, for example), to spend a beautiful day at the park with family visiting from afar, to take a long weekend trip, or to participate in a major sporting tournament.

For parents, though, there’s always a twinge of guilt. Should you let your child take a day off school to go to the theatre or a sleepover trip with their friends? Is that soccer tournament really important enough to warrant a day lost of schooling?

As we gear up for the first day of school, here are the pros and cons of letting kids take a day off (later in the year, of course!)
Assuming the skipped day is for a family event, this means you will get to spend more quality time with your child, which can be few and far between for families with working parents. Typically, the only time you get to spend with your kids is evenings and weekends, plus any vacation time. So if there’s an opportunity to do something fun, even if it consists of a day goofing off with mom and dad, why not?

The lessons will still be there the next day, and one day of schooling isn’t going to negatively impact their education. Check with the teacher to ensure that no new topics or big tests are planned for that day. If not, go for it!
If you don’t time it correctly, you could let your child skip a critical day of the year when the teacher introduces an entirely new topic or equation that sets the course for the rest of the year. This could set your child back if they miss out on the initial lesson.

For kids who are already having trouble in school and aren’t good at studying on their own, this could be detrimental to their education. But checking in with the teacher first can alleviate any of these worries.
Sometimes, once in a lifetime opportunities present themselves during school hours. And to opt out of one because your child has to spend the day in a classroom seems ludicrous. You don’t need to make a habit of it. But it’s important for your child to know that while education is critical, there’s more to life than school. And outside-of-school experiences can have a learning effect as well.

Your child could get much more out of a great trip to the museum for a limited time exhibit, or a day with family visiting from another country than they ever could from one routine day in the classroom.
Depending on who your child’s teacher is, they might look down on you for allowing your child to skip school for any reason other than a death in the family or illness. Some teachers are super strict and believe that education is everything, and missed days are missed opportunities.While you shouldn’t care so much what the teacher thinks because in the end, you are in charge of your own children, the side eyes you might get could be uncomfortable at the next parent-teacher interview.
Source: https://www.moms.com/pros-cons-kid-hooky-skip-school/

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

LOL - Things You Can Never Do Alone When You Have A Toddler

They say having kids changes your entire life. They say you will never know a love quite like it. They say parenthood is the best thing in the world and the reason why we are all here in the first place. However, what they don't say is that you will never experience life on your own ever again, or at least briefly anyway.

That's right, from the minute your children are born, they are attached to you forever, following you wherever you go, and never giving you one moment of peace. Yes, young children, and especially toddlers, can be exceptionally clingy and love to show this attitude by following you all over the place. Here are 10 things that you can never do alone when you have a toddler.


Going to the bathroom is one of the most private things a person can do. Yes, sometimes it can be nice to spend those extra few minutes alone, thinking about the days gone by, and relaxing for a few precious moments before entering back into the world of chaos. However, once you have a child you can say goodbye to personal bathroom trips and hello to, "don't touch that it's dirty", "don't do that it's dirty" and "please just stand over there". In fact, it will probably be a good 7 years before you can experience sitting on the toilet alone again, so you might as well get used to it.


Before becoming a parent, going to the grocery was a doddle, right? Sometimes you could get in and out within ten minutes, sometimes you would stay in there for hours, gliding down the aisles and looking at what is on offer. Sadly, this stops once having children, with the grocery store becoming your absolute worst nightmare.

In fact, the grocery store ends up being the most stressful place in the world, leaving you to keep putting it off until you and your family are eating instant mashed potato and chips. Yes, the grocery store is where toddlers really know how to be at their worst, screaming and shouting at every item possible, all while putting things in their pocket and walking out of the store with it.


Sleeping used to be so much fun when you didn't have children; you could stay up late, spread out, and wake up whenever you wanted. However, sleeping after kids is actually a completely different experience. Firstly, there is no sleep, not until they are a little bit older anyway. Even then, you don't sleep much, with toddlers insisting on sleeping in your bed because there are monsters or other creepy things lurking under their bed. Furthermore, toddlers seem to take up a huge amount of space despite their tiny size, leaving you perched on the end of the bed with a foot in your mouth.


After having one child you have probably become used to the fact that you'll probably never have a moment alone ever again. Maybe you have come to terms with the fact that you'll never go to the bathroom alone again, or the fact that you will have to share your bed with a miniature person for the next few years. However, what you didn't expect was the fact that your firstborn will also want to be included in everything that your second born does. Yes, from changing their nappy to breastfeeding, your firstborn will be right there watching your every move.

To be honest, you won't actually be able to do anything alone once you have had children, from ironing to talking on the phone, your kids will be there looking at you, wanting your attention or just randomly shouting at you for no reason. However, although this might sound painful (and it is a bit) you also wouldn't change it for the world. Yes, having children can be extremely stressful but it is also one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, even if you do have a child staring at you while you are trying to do a number two.

SOURCE: https://www.moms.com/things-alone-change-toddler/

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Things To Do With Your Kids Before The Summer's Gone

The summer always seems to come and go...as fleeting as our baby's first year. During these moments, they seem to go by slowly. We may feel lost as to what to do during the days, though in the blink of the eye, it's over.

Considering we (give or take) only have 18 summers with our children, we should take advantage and do what we can, when we can with them. If you've gone through your Summer To-Do List, we may actually have a few, added suggestions to add on. The summer's almost over, folks. So here are ten ideas for you and your child during the last few days of summer.


There's nothing more magical than watching the stars from your backyard. It's also more convenient than traveling to a campsite, using porte-potties and having to cover up dinner plates incase the bears sniff them out. Whether you have already taken a camp trip or not this summer, camping in the backyard is essentially great for any age. You're close to all amenities that may be needed through out the evening, so it's a low-risk and low-stress opportunity to enjoy the 'wilderness'.


Did you just gasp? Hadn't you realized you've been meaning to have a campfire and actually indulge in a roasted marshmallow? Well, now's the time! Summer's end is around the bend, and we think it's time to find a solid excuse to roast a marshmallow.


...just bring the salt incase of leaches. Though, they're rare in many clean waters. Just ensure you bring an 'emergency leach kit' incase of the worst-case-scenerio that could occur. Now that you're induced with irrational anxiety, we welcome you to find a local lake and jump into it! Clothes optional. There's nothing like jumping into the waters of a lake. Whether it's off the dock of a friend's cottage or a local watering hole close to home, make sure you and your kiddos get a nice, refreshing soak before the summer ends.


You know the one! The one that's likely an hour's drive, and you happen to have pulled every excuse in the book to avoid it this season. But, the summer's almost done. Your kids have heard numerous, exciting stories from the kids in school and it would be really fun for the adults, too. So, pack up a good lunch. Slather on that sunscreen. Ensure you leave at prime nap time and hit the road. It's time to finally visit (and splurge on emission) that big ol' waterpark you've heard about all summer long.


This many seem mundane. This may even sound silly to suggest, but have you gone to the beach this summer? Perhaps just once, considering a beach trip with children isn't always as relaxing as you'd hoped. Maybe you should have consider small hacks like bringing a fitted sheet, filling the corners with heavy rocks, so sand will not enter it's surface as easily to get into your snacks. Yes- you're welcome for that one. Regardless, we think you should the beach mother than you have this summer.


Whether your child is 2 or 12, a splash pad is always a great idea. Have you ever been, anticipating a boring experience, only to find you're giggling more than your small child? Well, that went for all of us! We've all been there. We've all experienced our second childhood in total glee, especially when water is involved. So pack up your stroller or car with the essentials: a change of clothes, snacks and sunscreen. Then hit the splash pad to run wild in the summer air for one last time this year!

SOURCE: https://www.moms.com/end-of-summer-parent-child-activities/