Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Moms Code: 10 Delicious Treats Every Kid Wants To Find In Their Lunchbox

Packing a kid's lunchbox is no joke, and many moms find it to be a completely nerve-racking experience. The last thing that a mom wants is for their child to come home from school with a full lunchbox because they didn't want to eat anything that was in it (we've all been there).

While every mom wants their kid to eat a healthy lunch, there has to a fun treat included as well. It should be a surprise, too, so their little one can open their lunchbox and smile. Here are some ideas.

Tour Box of Raisins

Kids really love raisins since they are so sweet, and there is not much that is better than finding a tiny box of raisins in your lunchbox. Dried fruit feels more like a treat than something healthy, but raisins are still a treat that moms can feel awesome about packing.

Rice Crispie Squares

Rice Krispie squares are another surprise treat that moms should put in a lunchbox. These are such a classic snack/dessert for a reason: they are simply delicious. Kids will cheer when they find this treat, that's for sure (and their friends will be jealous).

Although there are many modern desserts that are trendy (like making brownies with almond butter instead of white flour or adding veggies to quick breads), there is nothing like Rice Krispie squares. This is a great treat to put in a lunchbox since it won't get too messy (or at least not as messy as chocolate since chocolate can melt).

Apple Chips

If you've ever had apple chips, you can probably agree that they're incredibly sweet. The fact that this fruit dries so well and becomes so sweet and crispy is magical.

These will definitely appeal to children, since it feels like eating dessert. Moms will smile and love that they're packing fruit in their kids' lunchboxes. Apple chips are a perfect surprise treat and are especially great for a kid who loves salty potato chips, since they're much healthier. Chances are, after the first time that a small bag of apple chips is hidden in their lunchbox, a kid will beg for them all the time.


Popcorn is another solid pick for a surprise treat in a kid's lunchbox. The cool thing about popcorn is that while its salty/sweet flavor and crunchy texture definitely feel like a treat, it's a whole grain, so many people consider it to be healthy. Moms will love hearing that, right?!

We can choose plain popcorn, buttered, caramel, or even find a recipe online and add our own flavors, which will be a fun project. Since many kids associate popcorn with going to the movies or watching a flick at home, this will feel like a treat that is out of the ordinary. Just don't go overboard with the toffee variety!

Chocolate-Covered Pretzels

Okay, we know that kids love chocolate, and when it comes to a surprise treat being hidden in their lunchbox, there has to be something that involves their favorite food ever.

Chocolate-covered pretzels are a wonderful treat and would definitely be a big surprise. Since most kids aren't eating these all the time, they'll feel special. The good news is that if moms are feeling ambitious, they can make these themselves... but there's no reason why they can't pick some up at the store, either.


  1. Great lunch ideas!

  2. Perfect for daycare this summer!  Those raisins

  3. My kids love raisings!

  4. Rice crispies.  Heck yeah!!

  5. Weird.  My kids can’t stand apple chips

  6. Yeah!!! Kids really, want something new in the lunch box!!!

  7. Chocolate-covered pretzels!!! Perfect surprise lunch!!!

  8. Yes!!!! Every mother wants that her kids eat a healthy lunch.

  9. Great!!!! Popcorn in a lunch box is real, like a healthy treat.
