The London Olympics have proven to be unique and exciting in many ways this 2012, but one thing setting it apart from all the rest is athlete Oscar Pistorius. The South African double amputee will make history in the 400 meters this summer. Pistorius' chances at winning gold are doubtful, but many say he has already won the biggest challenge of all- the ability to participate.

Originally Pistorius was banned from competing in able-bodied events, such as the Olympics. He fought before the 2008 Summer Games in Beiging to overturn the ban on athletes with prosthetic legs, and eventually won. After much struggle to make the qualifying time for the Summer Games, he earned his spot in London. Squeezing a spot on the South African team, he will be competing in the London Olympics this 2012, and doesn't plan on letting his prosthetic legs slow him down. This will make him the first amputee to compete in track and field at any Olympics. This became possible for Pistorius nicknamed 'Blade Runner', thanks to his carbon fiber prosthetic legs.

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